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Comptoir Photographique du Pont de Fer Le Novitas
France Version française
Photos by - text by Sylvain Halgand. From the collection of -. Last update 2024-06-25 par Sylvain Halgand.

Manufactured or assembled in France from (Before) 1898 to (After) 1898.
Index of rarity in France: Rare (among non-specialized garage sales)
Inventory number: 2091

See the complete technical specifications

Chronology of cameras Comptoir Photographique du Pont de Fer 

Charles Conquérant presented himself as a camera manufacturer (SGDG). He was first located at 86 Boulevard de Magenta, then at 14 Boulevard Poissonnière, both in Paris. It is at this second address that one finds the Comptoir Photographique du Pont de Fer. The reason for the name "Pont de Fer" is unclear.
In 1894, Conquérant, then located at Boulevard de Magenta, registered his brand in the shape of the Cross of Lorraine (Lorraine and Alsace have been German since 1871), as well as the brand name "The Conqueror" (Conquérant... Conqueror).


Camera with a magazine holder, 12 plates (9 x 12) Price: 190 francs.

This Jumelle type camera is specially designed with an advanced magazine holder containing 12 plates and is very easy to handle. The shutter, made entirely of metal, has variable speeds for both optional posed and instantaneous shots, and can be operated by finger or bulb release.

This camera is equipped with a "scientific-anastigmat" lens with an iris diaphragm, allowing for instantaneous shots even without sunlight.

The particular advantage of this camera is that the focusing is done automatically using a graduated scale or on the ground glass, similar to a tripod-mounted camera.

Comptoir Photographique du Pont de Fer Le Novitas

Cameras from Ebay France (Comptoir Photographique du Pont de Fer) (Uploaded each 3 hours)